

Total Surplus Food  in 2022 by Manufacturers

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Optimize The Harvest

  • Explore opportunities to expand product specifications in a way that would reduce culls and product left behind after harvest.
  • Increase visibility of forecasted demand for suppliers, leading to reduced overproduction that results from growers lacking this information.

Enhance Product Distribution

  • Use technology innovations that streamline product movement, such as dynamic and intelligent routing, temperature monitoring, and early spoilage detection.
  • Coordinate across the sector to develop shared economies for idle assets, such as cold storage and transportation, to expand access at lower cost and resource impact.

Refine Product Management

  • Recharge distressed sales through doubled down internal efforts or external solution providers, as there is often more opportunity there.
  • Ensure regular or automated waste tracking and measurement at regular intervals in production processes.
  • Propose new arrangements with buyers that lead to better upstream communication of demand, including data tools that could facilitate this.

Maximize Product Utilization

  • Dedicate R&D resources to create upcycled product lines for edible byproducts
  • Optimize manufacturing lines by re-enginering processes and product design to reduce waste during production and product line changeovers.
  • Design and implement flexible packaging solutions to enable transferability between supply chains, such as foodservice to retail.

Reshape Consumer Environments

  • Employ packaging solutions that reduce household waste, such as sub-packaging, resealing, active and intelligent packaging, smaller sizes, and usability information.
  • Implement industry-recommended standardized date labeling and extend dates for quality-based date labels where possible.
  • Leverage brand communication platforms to educate and engage with consumers to increase the value placed on food, disincentivize waste, and improve consumer food management skills.

Strengthen Food Rescue

  • Eliminate any mandatory destruction requirements in vendor agreements, allowing for donation instead.
  • Support innovation and pilots of real and near-time data-sharing technology that are informed by the type, quantity, condition, location, etc. of product nearing expiration to address time-sensitive food rescue opportunities.
  • Coordinate across the sector to develop shared economies for idle assets, such as cold storage and transportation, to expand ability to food recovery organizations access to these resources at low cost.

Recycle Anything Remaining

  • Collaborate with systems players to demonstrate demand for feedstock, generate consistent inputs, and incentivize investment in recycling infrastructure.
  • Provide feedstock for emerging solutions, such as waste-derived livestock feed products, insect farming, and waste-derived bioplastics.
  • Pilot distributed anaerobic digestion models behind processing facilities.
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